Rescuing men from addiction for life.

“The law of the Lord is perfect,
converting the heart.”

-Psalm 19:7


Seeds of hope at the Aiken Family Farm.

We do this because we believe that God brings beauty from ashes in the lives of families broken by addiction.

“I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth.”

1 Corinthians 3:6-7

The Pillars of CHM.

Our Program

Converting Hearts Ministries was founded in 2007 by Carlton and Wayne Edwards situated in rural North Carolina. Although our farm-based facility primarily serves Wake and its surrounding counties, CHM has rescued hundreds of men from the state and continues to grow in popularity all throughout the Nation. CHM is a live-in facility meeting each individual where they are to provide hope and guidance with the love of Christ.

“I now have a changed husband. I know it’s only God who changes a man, but God also, in His kindness, allows us to be involved in the miracles He chooses to do ”

Meet the McRoberts family.

Addiction is not only devastating to the individual, but also the family and the community.

We feel so incredibly blessed to help these families both physically and spiritually. Witnessing true transformation and restoration is a gift, but we know that we ARE NOT ABLE to do God’s work without help. We rely on God to provide the means necessary for us to continue helping the “Joe and Erika’s” of the world and He has continually provided through YOU! For that, we are very thankful and we want you to see the real faces of the people you are giving towards.

“Converting Hearts cares about the people everyone else has given up on.”

-Corey McCarthy